
Oil Paintings by Tom McCune
"Down Home", Oil on canvas, 30" x 40". $1,200.
"Family", Oil on board, 24" x 24". 

This painting was composed after Tom returned from Vietnam while serving as a Radioman aboard  the USS Higbee, DD 806. It's been published in Volume I Issue III of Incoming! This book features poems, short stories, photos, and art by Vietnam veterans.
"My Lord and My God", 24" 36", Oil on canvas. $1,500.
"Nature's Beauty", 7.5" x 9.5", Oil on board. $500.00
"Nature's Reflections", 24" x 24 ", Oil on canvas. $900.00
"The Passion", 30" x 40", Oil on canvas. $1 500.00
'Warm Glow", 16" x 30", Oil on canvas. $500.00
"Some of my realistic work reflects the orderly world I live in and some expresses the exploratory curiosity of nature and abstraction while just letting go of the realistic world around me. Vicent van Gogh is a great inspiration; I enjoy his use of line, shape, color, and his interpretations of life and nature." 
- Tom McCune 
Commissioned work is available. Please contact us for more information.